Is this why our tax dodgers are so desperate to leave the EU single market?

“People are sheep. MSM is the Shepherd.”

Ian Almond

Reflecting upon the Supreme Court’s decision that the British Parliament must decide whether or not to trigger Article 50, in the year 2016, Mr Farage revealed the crucial aspect of his Brexit campaign, stating:

“Well, we would be half-Brexiting is my guess – is that legally we may get out of some aspects of EU membership, but if we stay in the single market, we finish up with all our businesses being regulated somewhere else and indeed a court in Luxembourg that can overrule our own Supreme Court and if that happens it will a supreme act of betrayal.”

Recently, the British Prime Minister, Theresa May reassured Mr Farage that his ambition to free Great Britain from the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg will be implemented in full:

“The second hard fact is that even after we have left the jurisdiction of the ECJ, EU law and the decisions of the ECJ will continue to affect us… But, in the future, the EU treaties and hence EU law will no longer apply in the UK.”

However, not all Leavers will look forward to ending ECJ’s jurisdiction in the UK.

From the year 2019, the ECJ will ensure that all EU member states implement its new Anti Tax Avoidance Directive and bring to an end the tax-avoiding practices by the EU citizens or businesses, its development coincides with key Brexit momentous decisions.

In 2012, the European Commission produced their action plan to clamp down on tax avoidance, and within a month, David Cameron announced that he changed his mind and that he favours an EU referendum.

In 2016, the European Commission produced the first draft of the EU Anti Tax Avoidance Directive and within a month, David Cameron announced the date for EU referendum.

In 2019, all EU member states have to implement the EU Anti Tax Avoidance Directive, by which time the UK is expected to leave the EU and its Directives.

Although Cameron campaigned to remain, one can’t help wondering why he failed to convey to the British People the biggest benefit of remaining in the EU, such as the fact that wealthy British individuals and businesses will no longer be able to avoid paying their due taxes.

Of course, Brexiteers continue to argue that the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, attempted to block EU’s clampdown on tax avoidance.

However, once he became the President of the European Commission in 2013, Juncker’s institution has been actively engaged in drafting new legal framework to tackle the increasing and aggressive tax avoidance.

Compared to the British tax havens that are mostly used by the British greedy wealthy elite, Luxembourg serves as a tax haven mostly for non-EU citizens and businesses.

The new EU Directive targets only individuals or businesses that generate profits within their member states, therefore it won’t affect much Luxembourg’s tax havens.

Majority people and business owners that either promoted or funded campaigns to leave the EU are implicated in tax-dodging practices.

Even Mr Farage avoided paying taxes by setting up an offshore fund in the Isle of Man:

“Nigel Farage opened an offshore trust fund in a plan to slash his tax bill, a Mirror investigation has revealed.”

Other prominent Brexiteers who have avoided paying their due taxes to UK tax authorities include:

  • Arron Banks, who is associated with and profits from companies set up in the British Virgin Islands and Gibraltar tax havens.

  • Sir James Dyson, who partially avoided his full share of tax by setting up companies in Malta, the Isle of Man and Luxembourg tax havens.

  • Lord Ashcroft, who avoided paying his taxes by registering as a resident Belize and setting up a trust fund in Bermuda.

The list of prominent pro-Brexit newspapers are owned by individuals who avoid paying tax to UK tax authorities, such as:

  • The owner of the Sun newspaper, Rupert Murdoch avoided paying his taxes by setting up his companies in the British Virgin Islands and the Cayman Islands tax havens.

  • The owners of the Telegraph newspaper, David and Frederick Barclay avoided paying their taxes by registering as residents of Sark island, located in the Channel Island tax haven.

  • The owner of the Daily Mail newspaper, Lord Rothermere avoided paying his taxes by inheriting the Daily Mail through an offshore trust set up in the Channel Island tax haven and being registered as “non-dom”.

  • The owner of the Express newspaper, Richard Desmond avoided paying his taxes by setting up a company in Luxembourg’s tax haven.

Therefore, rather than the British people, the only ones that will benefit from leaving the EU are the wealthy British tax-dodgers!

49 thoughts on “Is this why our tax dodgers are so desperate to leave the EU single market?

  1. I don’t Trust anyone today, News Papers I Never read, Television I Never watch, Del Boy Farage is a Con Artist but also a true blue tory, although he would like you to think he was just one of the Boys,haha but having said that, on the 8 th June I will still be voting Labour.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Load of GARBISH, I Voted Leave because I am ENGLISH not european.


    1. Graham Walker – you are English AND European – there is no contradiction there! Our Queen is from German Stock – her husband Greek. Our next King will be part Greek and German. Our country – our England once extended throughout huge swathes of France and still counts the Channel islands as Crown dependencies – not to mention Gibraltar! Our forefathers paid in blood for peace in Europe – so please excuse us from your pathetic phoney and wholly false patriotism – based on some imagined fairy tale facts. You voted leave because you fail to grasp this countries relationship to the EU and the rest of the world, and unless you’re a multi-millionaire you will pay through the nose for your half-baked choice. The article is clearly about why the major press barons supported Brexit – are you a press baron? No you’re not – the article was not about why Graham Walker voted Brexit – but you’ve made that apparently clear in your response – it’s because your a fuckwit who can’t even spell garbage who has been whipped up into a frenzy by said press barons into believing a wholly false jingoistic fake-patriot scenario, thereby voting Brexit and by consequence helping them avoid paying their tax duties that go to support our vital services. You have been manipulated and used by some of the very best in the business – there is no shame in that – but there is still time to repent – and I’d start by not leaving comments on articles your obviously struggling to understand.

      Liked by 7 people

      1. Spot on. Glad i am not the only one to spot what the mega tax doggers have done!!


      2. Just a minor point … I would suggest that the Press Barons instigated and pushed for Brexit


      3. Unfortunately it is not just England that is leaving the EU, the Irish and the Scots voted against, but we are getting dragged out too, but the government don’t really consider the fate of either country, as long as England is sorted.

        Liked by 1 person

      4. London, Manchester, Liverpool, Leeds and Bristol also all voted Remain, in fact every major English city bar Birmingham, which has since come around to Remain, too.

        Brexit is not an England v Scotland or an England v Northern Ireland story.

        It’s a matter of an undereducated, misled, misinformed and deluded minority being given undue power and influence under a first-past-the-post electoral system that favours the view of a minority of 37% of the electorate who voted Leave at the referendum (or 52% of those who voted), into a whopping 70% of Westminster constituency seats.

        Liked by 1 person

    2. There is no such thing as English you are British and like all of us mixed race . I sopose you could come from a long line of inbreeding but it is unlikely

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Sorry but even though my ancestors may have been Welsh or Irish, I am English. Born in England, speak English, relate to English history, England national sports, Morris Dancing and the Village Green.


      2. Try reading the history books. Read about Eleanor of Aquitaine and then we can have a discussion about what it means to be English.


    3. Oops… English… so no problem with Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland leaving the Union?

      Liked by 1 person

    4. I like that … garbish … that, as of before today (and to my understanding), it has as a word never previously appeared … and garbish conveys a certain lightness even a touch of frivolity edged with a gentle fragrance, an inoffensive effluvia, a word ideally suited to a description of a statement or opinion a noun for all reasons.
      Students of the English language please comment and discuss …

      Liked by 1 person

    5. You are both, whether you like it or not.Did you mean garbage by the way?


    6. I wish more people would consider themselves British. Since 1707 England, Scotland and Wales have officially not been countries. Subsequently Wales and Scotland have their own Parliaments and national anthems, however because of this constant confusion between the terms English and British England has neither. Also, I think leaving Europe was a poor idea and can believe wholeheartedly the sentiment of this article.

      Liked by 2 people

    7. Graham, what you need to think about is the fact that people who work, whether office of manual workers, are the ones that are paying tax; these rich people haven’t paid tax for decades. As always, the rich have pissed on our shoes and told us that it’s raining. The irony is that we have believed the Richard heads for so long. Wake up and understand that we, the general public, are the ones who are going to lose out.

      Liked by 2 people

    8. Might want to brush up on the spelling and grammar of your native tongue then, surely ?
      Because were I so “proud” , I’d not defile it by using it so woefully .


    9. Graham Walker, I wonder at your pride in being English when you can’t even spell the language of the nationality you’re so proud of. It makes one think you aren’t intelligent or educated enough to understand why being part of Europe is more advantageous to the English. Garbage is the correct spelling. Garbish isn’t an English word.


    10. Not sure exactly what “garbish” is, but if your DNA were tested I suspect that like most British people you will have traces of Dutch, German, Danish, French ancestry. Whether you like it or not you are European.

      Liked by 1 person

    11. You’re British. Check your passport. Technically you’ve never been English, but you are European until we leave. Suck it up. X


  3. If you are English Graham, the word is “rubbish”. Garbage is an Americanism and “garbish” in an invention of
    your own. Follow all the links and you will find that all of the information quoted is true. The Internet has wonderful fact checking systems – try one.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. The term ‘garbage’ is from the Anglo/Norman period in English history when the Normans conquered and occupied the country for 300+ years. It is first found in written English in the 15c. It is not an ‘Americanism’ by any stretch – more just regional English.


  4. Some good comments, and one from a supporter of right-wing tax evaders! After the election, the Tories will have lost seats, hopefully their majority, their leader, and control of Parliament.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. The “enemies of the people” happened after the vote to Leave.


  6. I am Belgian. Amazing to see you all fighting. Why? Why? Is this the way the UK is showing itself to the world? You can’t be proud of your country at this moment. No British can.


    1. Sven our country is very divided.It is very difficult for us Remainers to be proud of our country when we are being dragged to somewhere we do wish to go, especially when those would do that are entirely self serving or ignorant and deluded

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m sure you mean ‘…dragged to somewhere we do not wish to go’ but yes, absolutely.


  7. Keep up enlightening common people. Hope things might be reversed!


  8. We shouldn’t overlook that Cameron also got an advisory referendum approved by Parliament then reframed it as binding. Or that the franchise excluded certain vital demographics that would have given the advantage to Remain. Or that in spite of being ostensibly for Remain, Cameron was effectively AWOL from the campaign. Or that he failed to condemn and refute the demonstrable lies of Johnson, Gove et al in the Leave camp. Or that his apparent hubris encouraged a degree of complacency for Remain that very likely depressed the turnout, against a highly motivated and mendacious yet unchallenged Leave campaign. Or that he resigned after promising not to. Or that we haven’t heard a peep out of him since. All of which, taken with the points raised above, makes it hard to escape the conclusion that Cameron got the result he wanted.


  9. There is surely an error here – Lord Rothermere doesn’t’ own the Telegraph – but owns the Daily Mail ?
    The owner of the Telegraph newspaper, Lord Rothermere avoided paying his taxes by inheriting the Daily Mail through an offshore trust set up in the Channel Island tax haven and being registered as “non-dom”.


  10. Leaving The EU. Big Mistake, and done-up like a Kipper by Tax-Dodgeing Multi-Millionaires,


  11. 11 DUP ministers, are now running the UK, and are Terrorists supporters.


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